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School: NC State


Major: BS Nutrition


PROJECT: I helped begin a program with kids at  Haven House to educate them on healthy choices as well as fruits and vegetables in general. We created fun, education events for kids.


Internship Experience:


I gained more self confidence, knowing that I can use what I have learned in my various  nutrition courses to teach younger kids about healthy decisions; hopefully changing their futures. 




Shamsa provided all of the tools and resources I needed to be successful. She set me up with a registered dietician whom was my mentor in the beginning of the process, giving me ideas on how to go about the internship. She also provided all of the tools we needed for the events and the food involved. Shamsa was very helpful with any and all questions I had while going through the internship. 


What is a life lesson you have taken from your internship? 


Because I now have first hand experience teaching kids about fruits and vegetables while engaging them, I now feel that I would be able to host similar projects in future job areas. I am planning to study public health after I graduate, and I could use it for events where I need to work with the community to teach under privileged youth about making healthy choices. 

How Do you think you might apply what you've learned in your internship to classroom or career situations?


I have learned that even little things can impact a person's future. These simple classes I held could have impacted the kids' lives in more ways that I expect. Not only do they have the ability to make healthy food decisions for themselves, but they can also educate their parents and siblings. All you need to do is get your foot in the door and make connections, and opportunities will come!




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