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School: NC State


Major: Urban and Community Agriculture with minor in Spanish and Horticulture


PROJECT: Install Rain Barrels


Internship Experience:


My experience working with the garden was great. I love getting my hands dirty with all of the projects that not only help me to learn more about my own field of study, but are helpful to the community as well. It's been wonderful to further my own education and work experience in such a magnanimous way. The staff at Seaboard ACE Hardware were very helpful. I wish I could remember the names of the people who helped us find what we needed so I could thank them individually, but I'll have to settle for thanking the store. They were always cordial, professional, and helped me to get what we needed without being pushy about sales. Very likeable. I had never installed rain barrels before but it was a thing in which I was very interested. Being a part of the Wedge Connect Program gave me a great ratio of guidance to freedom with which I really learned a lot and was able to accomplish a fun and valuable project.




Working with Shamsa Visone was fantastic. She was unfailingly positive, responsive, and always willing to help regardless of the task. I definitely appreciate her patience with me as I messed up a few times along the way getting everything in order. She was always supportive, present enough to make sure everything was going well and to help out whenever I needed it but she was never overbearing or controlling. She gave me a task, trusted me to do it, and I'd like to think that we accomplished it pretty well together. I would be more than happy to work with her again.


Skills Gained:


I learned how to install rain barrels and also that there is no such thing as a one and one sixteenth spade bit. I also enjoyed the problem solving and project management aspect of my project. I enjoyed having full responsibility of a project, but also knowing there’s support when I need it.


Future Plans:


Apply to grad school.



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